The Top 9 Misconceptions About Corporate Identity

The Top 9 Misconceptions About Corporate Identity

As a branding and marketing consultant, I've heard it all when it comes to corporate identity. From business owners who think their logo is the be-all and end-all of their brand, to employees who think that the company's visual identity is nothing more than a bunch of pretty pictures.

I'm here to set the record straight: corporate identity is so much more than a logo or a tagline. It's the foundation upon which your brand is built, and it's essential for creating a consistent, coherent image across all channels. In this article, I'm going to dispel the top 9 misconceptions about corporate identity. Are you ready? Let's get started!

Corporate Identity Is Just a Logo.

A lot of people think that a company's logo is its corporate identity. And while a logo is certainly a part of corporate identity, it's not the only element. In fact, it's often the least important part. A company's corporate identity is made up of all the elements that make it unique, including its name, tagline, colors, fonts, and even the way it communicates with customers. Each of these elements contributes to how customers see and understand the company. So next time you come across a company with a crappy logo, don't judge it – it might just have a crappy corporate identity too.

A Corporate Identity Is Expensive.

A lot of people think that having a strong corporate identity is something that's only for big businesses with big budgets. But that's not true at all. A corporate identity can be something that's affordable for businesses of any size. In fact, we often find that small businesses have the most to gain from developing a strong corporate identity. That's because they can use their corporate identity to set themselves apart from the competition and establish themselves as a credible brand. So don't let the misconception that a corporate identity is expensive keep you from reaping the benefits. Contact us today to find out how we can help you create a corporate identity that's perfect for your business.

A Corporate Identity Is Not Important.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard this one: "Corporate identity is not important." But here's the thing – if it's not important, then why do so many companies spend so much time and money on it? The answer is simple: because a strong corporate identity helps a company to stand out from the competition. It helps to define who a company is, what it represents, and what its goals are. And when a company has a strong corporate identity, it becomes easier for customers to remember it and to trust it. So if you're one of those people who believe that corporate identity doesn't matter, I invite you to think again. The truth is, it's one of the most important aspects of any business.

A Corporate Identity Is Permanent.

When it comes to our corporate identity, we like to think of ourselves as a bit like a T-shirt. We might dye it different colors, add different graphics, and mix and match different styles, but at the end of the day, it's still the same T-shirt. But is that really the case? In reality, our corporate identity is a lot like our hair – it can be styled in any number of ways, but it always grows back. And over time, that corporate identity can change dramatically – it might even morph into an entirely new entity. So if you're thinking about overhauling your company's logo or changing your entire marketing strategy, don't be afraid to go for it. Just remember that your corporate identity is never set in stone.

My logo should always be in the same colors

There's definitely some truth to this – after all, a consistent brand is key to creating trust with customers. But, like all things in life, there's a time and a place for everything. Sometimes it's fun to mix things up a bit. That's why we always encourage our clients to experiment with different color palettes, fonts, and graphics. It's a great way to keep things interesting and show that your company is evolving. After all, no one wants to do business with a company that's stuck in the past.

A Corporate Identity Is Separate From the Brand.

One of the biggest misconceptions about corporate identity is that it's separate from the brand. But this just isn't the case – in fact, the two are intrinsically linked. And if you don't believe me, just ask Coca-Cola. Way back in 1886, when Coke first started selling its sweet, brown nectar, it didn't have a corporate identity. It was just one of many fledgling soda companies competing for market share. But then in 1892, John Pemberton – the inventor of Coke – died, and his business partner Asa Griggs Candler took over. Candler was a marketing genius, and he quickly realized that in order to differentiate Coke from its competitors, he needed to create a strong corporate identity for the brand. He did this by coming up with the famous Coca-Cola logo, and by using innovative marketing techniques like giving away free Coke at baseball games. And the rest, as they say, is history. Today, Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable brands in the world, and its corporate identity is synonymous with the Coke brand.

A Corporate Identity Is a Style Guide.

We've all seen them – those painfully boring style guides with all the dos and don'ts for how a company should present itself to the world. You know, the kind that make you want to gouge your eyes out with a ballpoint pen. But contrary to what many people believe, a corporate identity is not a style guide. In fact, it's much, much more than that. A corporate identity is your company's DNA – it's the underlying philosophy and strategy that drives everything you do. It's what makes you different from your competitors, and it's what helps you stay true to your brand's values no matter what. So next time someone asks you for your style guide, be sure to direct them to your corporate identity instead.

A Corporate Identity Is Only for Marketing Collateral.

It's not just for brochures and websites! In fact, your corporate identity extends to everything you do as a business. From the way you answer the phone to the way you conduct yourself at trade shows, your corporate identity is always on display. That's why it's so important to make sure that everything – from your company culture to your logo – is aligned and sends the right message to your target audience. We often hear clients say, "But I already have a website/logo/stationery/etc." and our response is always, "Yes, but does it reflect who you are as a business?"


1. A corporate identity is one and the same as a branding strategy. 2. A corporate identity is about creating a consistent look and feel for all communications. 3. A strong corporate identity will make your business more successful. 4. A corporate identity must be rigid and conservative. 5. You can't change your corporate identity once you've created it. 6. A corporate identity isn't all about the logo. 7. You can create a corporate identity yourself, without help from professionals. 8. You need a separate corporate identity for every line of business you're in. 9. Your corporate identity should be timeless and never change. 10. Corporate identities are boring and dry - there's no room for creativity or personality!